Thursday, January 4, 2007


I heard once that writing out your goals or New Years resolutions increases your odds of sticking to them. I've never actually made a resolution so I can't really say how hard that really is but here are a few anyway:
  • Straight As this semester. I've come close in the past but it would feel damn good to see that on a report card at least once in my live (other than grad school which I don't count)
  • Finally learning to play the guitar well. That stupid thing has moved with me at least 6 times and I figured that it's about time it becomes something other than an expensive decoration for my room
  • Stop saying mean things about people. This one could hurt, both physically and mentally. It's only Jan 4th and I've already nearly bitten through my tongue
There's one or 2 more that I've been tossing around in my head but I don't feel like sharing them in a public forum right now.


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