Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Change is in the air

I'm contemplating a format change to this blog. About a year ago the Editor suggested that I document my dating experiences. I quickly lost steam but I did have a couple of chapters done and I even had a working title: "Confessions of an online bachelor." I had met several girls on my own but I decided to expand the net by giving eharmony a try. Don't judge me. Anyway, the gist of it was that I was going to write down any weird or interesting stories from the dating world. I was fresh off a long-term relationship so this dating thing seemed new to me and I was willing to try just about anything. I remember that I had a good story about taking one girl to the demolition derby. I was only mildly interested in doing that but I really wanted to see if I could get away with it and not have the girl lose interest. Sure enough, I could.

Another story I had involved wandering the isles of my local grocery story looking for my favorite brand of soap or something. An female store employee in her 60s saw me walking around and directed me towards the condoms, assuming that that must be what I was after. I really didn't know how to interpret that. It was nearly Saturday night after all. I couldn't tell if she was being funny or if she honestly thought that was what I was after.

That was how it was supposed to go. Unfortunately, I met a girl I thought I liked and decided to stop. Also, I was feeling a bit bad about what I was doing. Recent events have caused me to rethink this whole thing. Without going in to too much detail, I've gotten screwed badly several times recently and I did nothing to deserve it. Yes, I know everyone says that but I swear it's true. And therein lies my idea. Maybe it's time to start acting in a way that would make the treatment I've been getting make sense? I'm not sure that I have it in me but about an hour ago I told my new ex-girlfriend to not only return a sweatshirt that she borrowed from be but to return a graduation/Christmas gift as well. Classy, I know. But it was expensive and I don't want her to have it anymore.

I really doubt this is the direction I'll go with this thing. I probably just need some time to calm down a bit. However, I do think that documenting this adventure here could be fun. We'll see how tomorrow goes.


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