Monday, January 1, 2007

Thoughts on New Years

Due to an unfortunate turn of events (although not entirely unexpected) it was necessary to make a change to my plans for New Years. Luckily I had already been invited to a party that was hosted by my friends, the Serbs, so I didn't spend the evening alone or forced into calling up some of my 2nd or 3rd tier friends to see what they were doing. All in all, it was a very nice night.
What happened when the clock struck midnight and the ball dropped in Times Square took me by surprise. Apparently the Serbs have a tradition where you kiss everyone 3 times on the cheek. Even the guys. Unaware of this, I was going to shake hands with Mr. Serb and wish him him a happy new year when all of a sudden he's moving in like an over eager prom date.
Truth be told, there was someone I much rather would have kissed around midnight but I suppose that sometimes you have to take what you can get. Lesson learned.


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