Wednesday, January 10, 2007

It's time to meet Sexy Rexy

Big Daddy Drew from Kissing Suzy Kolber is one of the funniest sports writers I know. A while back he channeled Chicago Bears QB Rex Grossman and delivered this classic piece. Well, he's done it again. Enjoy! Sexy Rexy responds to a piece written by columnist Rachel Nichols. A highlight:

If I had a dime for every woman that tried to get into my head, to explain why Sexy Rexy does what he does, I'd be a rich man. Of course, I'm already a rich man. So what does that tell you? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to turn you on more. I can't seem to stop the sex from emanating out of my body and right into your fallopian tubes. Sorry about that.
Read the rest.


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